Friday, January 22, 2010

A Little Different

Last night I was thinking about how all blog posts are basically like journal entries or updates or bragging about something in life. I guess people sometimes ask for book or movie suggestions and things like that. So, I was thinking I would take a stab at something a little different. I guess I'll see if this has any success or not. I was thinking I would post a question and people could respond if they have the time or enthusiasm. So, my experimental question is this: What is it (something, one thing, or many things...) that makes your spouse (really, I could just say husband ... mostly it is us girls blogging) uniquely perfect for you? It could be something simple - like he can jump really high or he always eats the food I make to something more complex - like he is really patient and always helps me talk things out (something I never knew how to do before). I wanna hear it if you wanna tell it. So let the experiment begin!

(Obviously, those examples were references to the cute boy pictured above).


Andrew Jorgensen said...

Tyler has big hops, huh?

Anonymous said...

Marina not only gets my over the top silliness (and puns), but she also enjoys them most of the time. I count that as a victory in and of itself.

Jennette said...

blond hair and a dimple

Kaila said...

Kenji is very laid back which is great for me since I am more uptight. Plus he hates clutter like me!

Hilary Jorgensen said...

i don't think there's enough room on the internets to store all the stuff i love about andy. also, you win everything. don't pretend to not know what i'm talking about. book club! i guess in order to win one must participate, huh?

Christine said...

Ha! Ha! This is a fun thing to do on a blog:) I think the thing that makes Scott the perfect spouse for me is the way we can just be dorky together. We make the absolute sickest faces we can at each other and say we're the other person and see who laughs too hard to come up with a come back face. Like, I make a sick face and say "I'm Scott". Yeah, we're pretty dorky, but it's what makes us perfect for each other:)

Trevor and Meccenzie said...

I agree with Hilary on the not enough room to say everything, but I'd have to say that the polar opposites have attracted at my house. mainly in personality and how well my husbands calm demeaner helps my stressful moments become easier to get through. It works out perfectly:)

Susannah said...

Hummmm...Thats a tough one! There are a lot of things. The one I'll pick for now is Adam's ability not to stress out. I'm a worrier and he's so easy going. I love it! I also love his sense of's true!

Tieky Torch said...

Daniel is perfect for me in so many ways. Yes not enough room to list every thing, but I will put the ones off the top of my head.
-makes me laugh
-always willing to give hugs and kisses to me
-thinks of things that i dont or havent thought off

This is good. THanks Katie!